Our School
Job shadowing is a career exploration activity in which students gain exposure to careers in which they are interested. Visiting a workplace grants students an opportunity to learn about education requirements, job specifics and salary potential. Job shadowing allows students to begin networking with professionals in a competitive job market and may help a student decide to explore other career paths.
All job shadowing opportunities must be pre-approved by a school counselor. Students can contact their school counselor to set up a meeting and learn about the screening process. Multiple job shadow experiences can be completed. The length of time for the shadow (partial or full day) will most likely be determined by the host. (Note: Students must be willing to accommodate the host’s schedule in regards to the day/time frame of when the shadow can occur.)
Job Shadow Forms
JOB SHADOW VERIFICATION FORM - Once a shadow date and time frame have been established and confirmed by the host, students must complete this verification form before the shadow date. This form must also be signed by the host on the day of the shadow and returned to the school counselor.
JOB SHADOW DOCUMENTATION SHEET - This form must be completed upon completion of the shadow experience and returned to the school counselor.
Need advice on how to request a job shadow from a company or organization? The above link provides valuable tips on how to effectively communicate your request.
Sample Template - Job Shadow "Thank you" Note
It is important to make people feel valued and appreciated. Be sure to write a Thank You note to your host(s) upon completion of the shadow experience. Need assistance on how to write a Thank You note to your host? Click on the link above to see a sample template.