About the Board

Board Members

The district is governed by a Board of nine citizens elected by the residents of Amity Township, Union Township and the Borough of Birdsboro. Board members serve four-year terms and are not compensated. Vacancies are filled through appointment by the Board members for the remainder of the term until the next municipal election.

Superintendent of Schools

The superintendent of schools, appointed by the Board, serves as its chief executive officer, administering policies and overseeing school operations. The superintendent also advises the Board, keeping it informed of the needs and programs of the school. Additionally, the superintendent is a professional resource for the Board on topics such as professional staff recruitment and supervision, selection of textbooks and instructional materials, curriculum development, school building planning, and fiscal planning.

The Function of the Board

The Board has complete authority over the education and financial affairs of the school district, subject only to Pennsylvania school laws and related state and federal regulations. It employs personnel, approves curriculum, textbooks, and courses of study, adopts an annual budget, sets taxes and approves all district expenditures. The Board also makes final decisions on school sites, building sales, renovation plans, and construction contracts. Board members have no power to act individually in the name of the Board. Official actions can only be taken during formal sessions with a majority of its members (five) present. Under this principle, members can reserve judgment until they hear the superintendent's recommendation and discuss the matter with other Board members. The Board often consults with community members, staff, and specialists in various areas.

Scheduled Meetings

The school board meets regularly on the 4th Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Occasionally, holidays or other circumstances may alter this schedule. Notices for any special meetings are given in advance to local newspapers. Committee of the Whole meetings and public work sessions are held on the 2nd Monday of each month at 7:30 p.m. Please check our calendar for specific meeting locations.

All recommendations are considered and acted upon only in open public meetings. However, by state law, executive (private) sessions may be held for personnel matters, litigation procedures, negotiations, and land purchases.

Addressing the Board

Your presence at public meetings demonstrates community interest and responsible action. There are two opportunities during the meeting for attendees to bring questions and relevant information to the Board’s attention: for agenda items at the beginning of the meeting, and for general items at the end of the meeting.

When recognized by the board president, visitors are requested to rise and state their name and address. Each individual will have three minutes to address the board members.

Order of Business

  1. Call to Order

  2. Pledge of Allegiance

  3. Roll Call

  4. Announcements

  5. Procedures for Public Participation

  6. Presentation by Public of Agenda Items

  7. Recognitions

  8. Routine Approval (minutes, financial approval)

  9. Presentations by Board Members

  10. Building and Grounds Approvals

  11. Financial Approvals

  12. Personnel Approvals

  13. Program Approvals

  14. Policy Approvals

  15. Transportation Approvals

  16. Old Business

  17. New Business

  18. Presentation by Public on Issues

  19. Adjournment

Individual Concerns

If you, as a parent, have any questions regarding your child, please first address the matter with the teacher involved. If further discussion is necessary, consult the principal or administrator closest to the situation. If the issue remains unresolved, you may refer it to the superintendent. This procedure has proven most effective in the past, providing direct and immediate responses to your questions and allowing the Board to focus on district-wide matters. If all of these avenues fail, you may then approach the Board with your concern.